Saturday, September 26, 2009

How to start losing weight

Nothing can be done without trying and Nothing is impossible either. Even if you take small steps you can see the result within a few days and that will encourage you to go ahead.

You have to be patient. That is the most important point. Crash diets will give you immediate weight loss but not health. You should lose weight in a healthy way.
Gradual losing of weight will be permanent, it gives you enough time to adjust your food habits and exercises + activities you can do regularly.

Vegetables and fruits:
Add more fruits and vegetables, trying to eat them raw as much as possible, particularly not juices.
Add more fresh leafy vegetables to your diet like Spinach and other greens ( at least a cupful daily), lettuce, cabbage, carrots etc in salads.
Take fresh fruits just like that and do not strain out the fiber. The fiber will add to the roughage and fill your stomach. Add a fruit like a banana, apple or an orange with your lunch or a cup of Mixed fruits.

Less oil and less fat:
Bring down your content of oil and fat content but do not stop using oil completely as we need fat for our health too. We need fat cells to maintain our energy level.
If you drink full cream milk start using toned milk which we get here. In the evenings if you take chips, potato chips / fries, cookies, pastries, puffs, samosas etc stop them, take a handful of roasted nuts( even if it is peanuts but without salt )
Stop drinking any processed soft drinks or fruit juices.They have loads of sugar contents and additives.

Exercises and workout:
Slowly increase your exercises and activities. If you have not been doing exercises all this time just don't go and hit a gym tomorrow. It will not help you.
Think out and make small changes like this. You will see the difference soon, may be in grams but it will be permanent and you will be healthy too. One step a day will take you one step closer to losing weight permanently, better than that to a better and healthy tomorrow.

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