Saturday, October 24, 2009

To Take or Not to Take, Ghee / The Clarified butter

To take or not to take Ghee is the question here. In India it has been proved from the olden days that a limited amount of ghee with the daily food we take will not make you fat, instead will help you in the long run.

Fat is an important constituent for our body and we need it for our energy management. Fat is required for the growth and the overall development of human body. We do need energy for sitting, standing. running , walking and many more activities through which we move through out the day are provided by fats. We need energy for digesting the food we take in and also for the process of metabolism and catabolism the making and and cleaning of the new and old cells also needs energy which can be given only by fats.

A low fat diet  and a under nourished diet hampers proper body growth, damages kidney, impairs reproductive-sexual ability and develops scars on the skin. What we do not want in our body is the LDL (low density lipoprotein),which is a component of saturated fats, instead of being converted into energy and accumulates in the blood vessels. This accumulation causes blockage in the arteries and the process is called Arteriosclerosis. This puts more pressure on the heart and becomes the main reason for Heart Attacks.

Ghee or the clarified butter is an anti oxidant , it gives rise to the level of "Prostogladin E-2" that increases the oxygen level in the blood facilitating proper circulation of blood.

In India Ghee has been taken as a medicine also. Adding a little ghee to the food will help you in the long run. It will give you enough energy, keep your digestion healthy, to purify and cleanse the blood and by that control blood pressure , Lower serum lipid level and many more.

So just do not refuse ghee, take a little with your rice or rotis. It will take you a long way in maintaining your health and that is surely all the wealth you will need.

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