Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Will An Apple a day keep the Doctor away?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away is an old old adage which comes down the ages.
There are many reasons to prove this that apples are a very nutritious food and can be eaten by anyone from a small baby to a very old person.

Apples are the most popular and commercially important fruits in the whole world. We can find these trees in almost all places where there is moderate climate. There are thousands of varieties of apples, in all shades of red and yellow and green but all of them have white blossoms which resemble tiny roses.

The flesh of the fruit is cream coloured , the texture is soft but firm and the flavour is either tart or sweet. Sweet ones can be eaten raw and the tart ones are used for cooking orwhile making apple cider, vinegar, apple sauce etc.

Apple takes sometime to chew, so it takes less food to register in your mind, that you have had enough and that feeling makes you stop adding more calories. Even the sugar gets digested and enters the blood stream slowly and gradually helping the Diabetics to keep their sugar levels within safe limits. They are considered the best for diabetics by most of the doctors who recommend taking apples for them.

Natural antioxidants like phenolics and the flavonoid quercetin in the apples are said to be more effective than the vitamin supplements. For good benefits do not peel or scrape the skin. Quercetin is found only in the skin of apples. so eat it just as it is but make sure of washing it before you eat.

If you want to know the calorie contents of apples check here

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