Thursday, September 16, 2010

Diet During Pregnancy

Your menu for the day during pregnancy
The more the variety of vegetables and fruits, you can tale  the greater the chances of taking a balanced diet.
The diet has to be
4 glasses of milk per day in any form
2 catories of dal in which 1 katori can be sprouts
2 eggs / 2-3 pieces of meat and fish / 100 grams of paneer
2 katoris of vegetables, 1 seasonal vegetable  1 green leavy  vegetable etc
Plenty of salads, seasonal fruits which include one citrus variety
2 tablespoonfuls of fat in any variety of which 2 tsps can be of ghee
Wheat, rice and potatoes

You can divide the amount of food you have to take into 4 to 6 portions and take them accordingly. You will not be able to take large meals at  a time. make 4-6 small  but frequent meals a day. Fasting or feasting is not advisable during pregnancy, you are not supposed to miss even a single meal and also that over eating will lead to excess weight gain.

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