Thursday, February 10, 2011

Panchakarma, a treatment of the Ayurveda medical Therapy

What is Panchakarma treatment of the Ayurveda medicine?  
Panchakarma meaning the five karmas  in Ayurveda for cleaning up of the human body, by flushing out the accumulated toxic materials that is detoxification of the body.  You  have to go to the Ayurvedic physician to determine the methods needed to detox your body. The Physician determines the panchakarma  by  basing the prokriti / constituion of the patient, as well as his physical condition  and the climate at the time.

Purvakarma, a treatment done before Panchakarma
Before doing panchakarma treatment one has to go through Purvakarma which means the Preceding karma.  When the Ayurvedic Physicial gives directions for the Panchakarma treatment to begin, the patients' body has to be prepared  for the procedure. So he is given Snehan  and Swedan  and the treatment if properly done will take 7 days. They have to prepare Tridoshas  receptive to the panchakarma Treatment. Only after the Purvakarma is over Panchakarma starts and is chosen according to the constitution of the patient that is the prakriti / nature  and the vikriti / disorder of the body of the patient.

The different Panchkarma treatments are  as follows. 
Vaman ( Vomiting )  
Vaman is done for the kapha related diseases like colds, brethlessness, bronchitis, asthma,indigestion and diabetes etc. These disorders are supposed to be the result of excess kapha / mucus in ones body. The patient must go through Purvakarma before administering vaman.

Virechan ( Purgation )
Virechan is the Purgation therapy, which is administered  to relieve excess pitta in the form of bile  which gets accumulated in the gall bladder , small intestine as well as in the liver. The result of this accumulation of toxic materials can be in the form of rashes, fever, inflammations, nausea and jaundice.

Basti ( enema ) 
If vata is found excess in one's body and that too in the colon region Basti / enema  is used to flush out through the intestinal tract. Enemas are of many kinds  and there are various kinds of vata disorders namely constipation, acidity, kidney stones, sexual disorders.arthritis. rheumatism etc. These can be cured wth basti in the panchkarma treatment.

Nasya ( nasal application ) 
Nasya is used to eliminate kapha related problems affecting the  eyes, ear, nose and throat and diseases like migraines, sinusitis bronchitis can be cured with nasya. Nasya is also regarded as treating prana meaning our life. The energy of prana or the life enters through our nose and is also connected with brain and consciousness.

Rakthamoksha ( blood purification )   
Raktha Moksha or the letting of the blood is a technique used to eliminate the toxic substances from the blood stream. It is a process of purification of blood. Skin disorders like cne, rash, itching etc are due to impure blood. This also regulates pitta.
Rakthamoksha is not suitable for childrn and elderly people  and also people with anaemia, general body weakness and other similar problems.

Paschatkarma is a procedure done after the selected therapies of Panchakarma. This procedure helps the body to re establish its normal metabolism and immunity. It will take many days to normalize digestion after all these processes. The persons can return to normal life and diet through different steps of introduction of vegetables  and food items.
After the panchakarma treatment one has to follow a strict daily routine and normalize their daily activities according to the change of seasons and  also as having been told by the physicians during the consultations after treatment.  

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