Friday, June 12, 2009

How To take care of Thermos flasks

 Bad Odor from Flask
If you do not use flask for a long time the flask, you will face a bad smell coming from it.
To prevent that from happening , put two or three coal pieces inside after cleaning them properly. While washing, you can also add vinegar to remove the smell.

How to Use Flasks
Before pouring boiling liquids in to the flask always add a little hot water inside and shake the flask well. Do not pour boiling liquids straight into the flask with out doing this. There is every chance of flask exploding if you pour boiling liquids directly in to the flask.
Similarly do not pour freezing liquids directly into the flask. Add a little cold water, shake well and then you can use to store cold food in the flask.

Dos and Don't while using a flask
Do not store warm milk in the flask It will get curdled. If you want to store milk either pour hot milk or cold milk to avoid milk from getting spoilt soon.

How to Clean a flask
If the flask gets dull colored due to over use, add salted hot water, leave it for ten minutes and then wash it in your usual method. The flask will regain its color and the fresh smell.
It is easier to clean flask, if you put in a piece of news paper inside the flask while washing. The flask can be cleaned soon.

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