Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to do proper meditation?

How to meditate and gain concentration?
Meditation is a  practice where in there is constant observation of the mind and the concentration. Meditation brings awareness, harmony and natural order into life and  helps you  to dig deep into your inner self, through which you can discover the wisdom and tranquility that lie within.
Meditation is a therapy which is done  with an internal and personal practice without any actual externals aids, except may be prayer beads or the tip of the candle flame to concentrate on.  The practices of yoga helps  one to control  the mind and the senses.

The basic points to be kept in mind meditating are:
You have to have a special place and time for meditation. It would be better if you try doing it daily.
Choose a time when your mind is  clear and not riddled with worries.
while starting to meditate just sit up straight with your back, neck and head in one line and face north or east.
You have to condition your mind so as to remain quiet for the duration of your meditation session.
Regulate your breathing, it would be better if you could start with 5 minutes of deep breathing. Then gradually you can slow it down.
Follow a rhythmic breathing pattern - inhale and exhale.
Initially your mind will wander  but it grows more restless if you force to concentrate and so leave it like that, do not force.
You can slowly bring it to rest on the focal point of your choice.
you have to hold your object of concentration at this focal point throughout your session and meditation happens when you reach a state of pure thought.
If this followed diligently you will soon be able to attain a super-conscious state. This is not just easy as it is given here. You will have to strive harder to get to perfection. Only if you try to do meditation daily,you will be able to get good benefits out of this.

You can try and follow these tips to get the Concentration
When you start, at the outset, it will be very hard to keep your attention focussed on one object, so it would be better to start off by limiting your field of concentration to a category of objects.

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